Wednesday, April 12, 2017


 Facts about Mahathir that you need to know

- Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamed’s real name is Mahathir s/o Iskandar Kutty. He was born Mahathir s/o Iskandar Kutty and named Mahathir s/o Iskandar Kutty @Mahathir Mohamed.

- Dr Mahathir was born on December 20, 1925, in Alor Star, the capital of the northern state of Kedah.

- Dr Mahathir started life NOT as a Malay but a Malayali – (Karala Couchin) the people of Kerala in south INDIA, where his father (Iskandar Kutty) came from.

Kerala, India Homeland of Dr. Mahathir's fore-fathers

-  His father (Iskandar Kutty) was a school teacher of Indian origin, specifically Malayalee (Mamak) (people who speak Malayalam, not to be confused with Malay)

-  His father (Iskandar Kutty) (a Mamak) migrated from the southern state of Kerala, India, while his mother (Wan Tampawan) a Kedah-born, was a Malay.

- . Despite being only half Malay and having acknowledged his Indian heritage, Dr Mahathir generally considers himself to be Malay, and is known for the use of fiery rhetoric designed to invoke feelings of Malay nationalism, i.e. the term Ketuanan Melayu, or “Malay Supremacy/Lordship.

-  At university in Singapore, Dr Mahathir was listed as an INDIAN.

-  Dr Mahathir had kept hidden his little secret – that he is an Indian Muslim (Mamak).

- Dr Mahathir has been quick to promote himself as the embodiment of “Asian” identity and values, with diatribes against the west, usually couched in racial terms. Yet, despite his trumpeting of Asian identity, Dr Mahathir appears ASHAMED to admit his Indian heritage.

- ‘In his new book, A New Deal for Asia, he writes about his father in such a way as to imply that he was a Malay dedicated to the improvement of his fellow Malays rather than the hard-working Indian immigrant and government servant that he was. No mention of Dr Mahathir’s Indian Muslim background ever appears in the media. The subject is taboo.’ -Philip Bowring

- Dr Mahathir is the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, which he held for 22 years. From 16 July 1981 – 31 October 2003

- Dr Mahathir is Malaysia and Asia’s longest serving Prime Minister.

- Dr Mahathir’s political involvement is filled with events and significance where he started being active in 1945. He joined the Umno in 1946.

- Dr Mahathir was first elected into the Parliament in the 1964 general elections via the Kota Setar Selatan seat with more than 60% majority votes. The following elections (1969) saw him losing the seat by 989 votes after declaring that he did not need to win through Chinese votes.

- Following the race riots of 13 May 1969, Dr Mahathir wrote a letter, (which was widely distributed) to the then Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, criticizing the manner in which Tunku Abdul Rahman had handled the country’s administration favoring the ethnic Chinese. For doing that, he was expelled from Umno.

- Some of the more controversial happenings under Dr Mahathir‘s leadership include removing of the veto power and the Royal immunity from prosecution. Before he took on this action, passing of any bill of law required royal consent but with what he took on, royal assent is considered legal after a 30 days period.

- Dr Mahathir was also known to be responsible for the removal of Tun Salleh Abas, the Lord President of the Supreme Court together with 3 other Supreme Court Justices prior to the investigation of misconduct hearing of Umno, the party that he is also the president.

- Dr Mahathir announced his resignation from UMNO on 19 May 2008 & 29 Febuary 2016.


“MAMAK” a term (derived from a TAMIL word meaning UNCLE) used in Malaysia to describe the Tamil Muslim community (Wikipedia) but Mahathir not a mamak because his Karala Couchin?!!!


  1. Most non Malays in Malaysia hate him

  2. We Malaysian Chinese hate him for sidelining

  3. Even Malays and Chinese voted him out in GE15 Langkawi seat losing his deposit as well as his Pejuang candidates also lost their deposits 👍😁

  4. He is a devil in disguise

  5. _Combined, Cochin Jews have both Jewish and Indian ancestry. Specifically, we detect a significant recent Jewish gene flow into this community 13-22 generations (~470-730 years) ago, with contributions from Yemenite, Sephardi, and Middle-Eastern Jews, in accordance with historical records._
    ~The genetic history of Cochin Jews from India~ by Yedael Y Waldman et al. Hum Genet. 2016 Oct
    Published in PubMed.

    See the physical semblance here?,7340,L-4970776,00.html
    Indian Fascist Democidist BJP Modi also has such traits.... These species LOVE APARTHEID N ETHNO-CENTRISM DESPITE BEING THE MOST HATED N DESPISED WORLDWIDE FOR BEING TREACHEROUS N TRAITOROUS TO WHATEVER HOST NATIONS THEY PARASITE ON. They somehow are given power by their Freemason "god" to rise to high political power to betray the nation. Kissinger, Modi, freeMAsonHATHIR s/of Iskandar Kutty, etc...

    1. Cochin is known as Kerala today in Southern India.

    2. Cochin is not known as Kerala but Cochin (city) is the capital of Kerala (state)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Interesting finds:

    'In 1568 the Jewish newcomers, who were subsequently called Paradesis (“foreigners” in Malayalam), built a synagogue of their own next to the Maharaja’s palace in Cochin. They adopted the Malayalam language and identified enthusiastically with Kerala customs and traditions,.. '
    Malayali from Malayalam

    What freeMAsonHATHIR TRULY WANTS is a ETHNIC MALAYAlis (or MALAYAlees) Malaysia.. So the plan begins with DRIVING AWAY OTHER SO-CALLED NON-MALAYS (namely the Chinese-descent Malaysians coz they're currently the strongest.. Very inline with KKK WESTERN IMPERIALISM HEGEMONY FREEMASONRY MI6-CIA POLICY..then follow suit the more docile races) to form a MALAYALIsia. Under the pretense of MALAYSIA kononnya. Pelan dajjalist sial.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm thinking could the term parasite got inspired by Paradesis or vice versa...

  8. Before Tunku Abdul Rahman passed away, he once called out freeMAsonHATHIR as a Freemason!

  9. Kucang lupakan kulit , Babi tinggai bangkai lepas mati, manusia tinggalkan nama bukan banggai lepas mati

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous, so you are saying you're a babi who failed BM? APA itu kucang, tinggai, banggai?

  12. Don't talk nonsense like Mamakthir from Kerala

  13. Majority race, wonderful chance to be identified with....

  14. Mahathir Mohamad resembles Pinarayi Vijayan because his family came from Kerala, India and settled to Malaysia and they came from poverty.
